The following video has been circulating around activist communities in the past few weeks, it’s a brilliantly animated typographic depiction of a poem by Taylor Mali. The artist, Ronnie Bruce, made it as a class project over a year ago and later posted on his vimeo page. Without over analyzing, this video is a prime example of packaging & moving a complicated message in a way that feels good & resonates long after in the viewers mind.
The poem too is spot-on. How often are we told to not be too political, or too affirmative in our tenor because we may potentially alienate a section of a (potential) audience. Inarticulate melancholy is too oft celebrated.
When you care about something it’s ok to be adamant about it, especially if you feel it inside. You don’t need to use big words, just strong ones. There is a lot to be zealous about, war, animal abuse, environmental degradation, commoditization of everything, capitalism, you name it. Watch, listen & feel then get out there and speak with conviction.